To Raise Shechina From The Dust

275You lack nothing but to go out to a field that the Lord has blessed (Baal HaSulam, Letter 4).

This field is called Shechina or the connection between us in which the Creator reveals Himself. But when this field was shattered, the Creator disappeared from it.

All our work is to connect with each other and to restore the network of communication between us, and to the extent we do, the Creator will gradually reveal Himself in it. Such a revelation of the Creator is called spiritual degrees or worlds.

“Peace” – “Shalom (שלום)” is from the word “world” = “olam (עוֹלָם),” “alum (עָלוּם)” – “hidden.” The relative concealment and revelation of the Creator at each degree will show us what kind of world we are in.

Therefore, we need to collect all those flaccid organs that have drooped from your soul, and join them into a single body, – into one connected system. In that complete body, the Creator will instill His Shechina incessantly, that is, absolutely completely without any gaps and reductions.

And the fountain of intelligence (Tvuna), which is that lower part of Bina that transmits the light to Malchut (in us) and high streams of light (Keter, Hochma, Bina) will be as a never ending fountain.

What do we need to do? We need to restore the connection between us, which is called Shechina. It was the Creator who broke it, so that we ourselves could create it from a broken state. This is called raising the Shechinah from the dust. This is what we have to do.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/6/22, “Approaching the Creator Through the Network of Connections Between Us” Lesson 1

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