An Attack on the Creator

935Question: What is an attack on the Creator?

Answer: This means that with the help of the actions that the Creator performs in the world on each of you and all of you, you want to influence Him so that He changes His attitude toward you, helps, and lifts you up.

Question: Is the attack a prayer?

Answer: Prayer, action, it does not matter.

Question: How do I verify that we have made an attack? In a conventional war, this is understandable because the result is immediately visible. How do we see that we influenced Him when He starts helping us? Is this even possible?

Answer: Yes, it is possible. Moreover, you will enter into an action together with the Creator.

Question: How can we organize an attack in the ten?

Answer: Come to an agreement with each other, try it, and see where it leads you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/24/24, Writings of Rabash “A Near Way and a Far Way”

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