What Is Wisdom Revealed For?

221.0Question: What is wisdom revealed for? To pass it on to others, to reveal it to the world, or are there any other reasons?

Answer: Why is wisdom revealed? It is in order for us to feel the Creator, to be in some way equal to Him, to be able at least partially to perform actions like Him. To do this, we need the light of Hochma.

Comment: If any understanding comes, we must try to reveal it to the world. But at the same time, there is a feeling that you cannot always explain everything in an understandable way. There is always some doubt.

My Response: We will not do without a doubt. You just have to go ahead and listen to the lesson. You need to listen to each lesson two or three times. Return to it after some time, in a week, two, or three. And then gradually it all fits together and turns into one big picture.

Comment: It happens that you are overwhelmed and realize that even if you try to listen to something, it still passes by because you cannot perceive such a large amount of information. That is, the quantity of listening is not equal to the quality.

My Response: It will always be like this because you cannot absorb everything that radiates at you. Gradually, over the course of many months, it passes into you, begins to soak in, and fits into shelves in your head.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 12/27/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is He Will Give Wisdom Specifically to the Wise”

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