When War Takes it All

627.2Irina writes:

I had everything: happiness, love, warmth, affection. The war came and took it all away from me. My husband and I thought we were going to be together forever. I understand everything you’re talking about, or rather, I did. I don’t understand it anymore. I do not know how to live anymore.

Question: She is asking how to go on?

Answer: Day by day, that is how to go on, without looking either at yesterday or tomorrow. Just automatically live through today.

Question: What should you invest in to call it life?

Answer: You don’t need to invest in anything. Just live.

Question: So I live, I go to work, meet people, eat, and so on. That’s it?

Answer: That’s it.

Question: Is that a way to live? Without plans for tomorrow or the future?

Answer: Yes. No plans! This is the best thing. Then there are no disappointments or expectations.

Question: But how can you cope with the feeling that you had everything: happiness, love, warmth, affection, then the war came and, as I understand it, even took Irina’s husband away?

Answer: I don’t know what to say. There are usually no words for this.

Question: But those close to us try, as do others, to make us feel better, give us some kind of solace. What solace can we offer Irina?

Answer: To be more involved with our programs and get closer to us. This is what I can advise her.

Question: I don’t think she is our student. She is watching our programs and is clearly familiar with our clips. She writes: “I understand everything you’re talking about.” Or rather, she understood, but no longer does. When a person receives such a blow, what is the advice?

Answer: Still she should not distance herself from us. Hold on to us. And then everything will fall into place.

Comment: You said, and I believe she’s heard it in your lectures and all our materials, that you must accept what comes to you.

Answer: Yes, there is nothing more you can do.

Question: What lies behind this word “accept”?

Answer: Everything that happens comes from above, but we must still agree with it. We must agree. What are the options? It is very painful, and thoughts keep straying to the past, to how things used to be.

Comment: To how kind and warm it once was.

Answer: Yes. Yet the same question, why? The best thing is to keep on going about your day, try to act automatically.

Question: To such a degree on autopilot? What would happen if I lived like this, if I heeded your advice?

Answer: You would slowly get used to the fact this is how it should be, day after day. That’s all.

Question: Would a new understanding, a new happiness, and a new life emerge if you keep on going like that?

Answer: It would no longer be the same happiness, but things would calm down.

Question: Tell me, why is this given to a person?

Answer: So that, first of all, a person would justify what is happening. This is how things work, and this is how it all comes from above.

Question: You always say that a person is not given more than he can bear. Even when the most precious thing is taken away?

Answer: It doesn’t matter what.

Question: Does this mean a person is strong and is able to endure it?

Answer: Possibly.

Question: Can I tell Irina this too, that she can endure? Does this apply to her as well?

Answer: Absolutely!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/13/23

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