The Only Means to Reach Unity

945Question: How or through what action do we accustom ourselves to prayer so that our hearts agree?

Answer: We explore our thoughts and desires and try to bring them closer to each other.

Question: Are there any example of how to do this?

Answer: When you hear what your friends say, try to be with them in your heart.

Question: The best state for my friends is when they are in faith above reason. Then they have no claims against the Creator. How can I help them have faith above reason? Or is this still a group action? What means are there besides prayer?

Answer: Nothing exists except prayer. You and each of us must listen to the friends and be with them with all our hearts because connection happens precisely in the heart.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Understanding What Is Written in Shulchan Aruch

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