The Creator Is Waiting for Us at the End of the Road

934Advice to a person who has begun to study the wisdom of Kabbalah: “Do anything you want, just do not leave!” Do not leave the group, this society, this place where the Creator brought you from the very beginning and said: “This is your destiny! Here you can advance. You have been given this place, and I will wait for you at the end of the road.”

This is how you need to treat this opportunity given by the Creator, and it is very important to stick to this path and hold on to this environment as much as possible. I know from my own experience that sometimes a student has a burning desire to run away, to give up everything, but there is no choice, one must try to hold on.

Moving to another group or another ten is a big problem. After all, the environment has already made room for this person, and now one is obliged to fill it. The ten must work on him and connect him with itself, like an organ with a body.

We know how complex and dangerous an organ transplantation is, and what complex preparatory work and subsequent rehabilitation it requires until the foreign organ takes root and starts working like a native one. The same thing happens to a person when changing tens.

The Creator organizes the ten and the best conditions for advancement for us. But we think that we can change it as we want. Of course, in our egoistic perception of reality, we see it in this way. But in fact, this is wrong. We must take this very seriously.

I do not know now whether this will be a strict condition until the very end of the correction because before us there are stages that no group in this world has ever gone through. But for now, we must try to tie ourselves to the ten in such a way that the departure of any friend feels like the cutting off of an organ from the body.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/10/23, Writings of Rabash “What Does It Mean that Moses Was Perplexed about the Birth of the Moon in the Work?”

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