The Creator’s Demand

530Question: The Creator demands us only to unite. How can we check in the ten whether we have achieved unity?

Answer: Checking for this happens when you feel the same opinions, desires, and aspirations when communicating with each other.

Then it follows that you work as if out of one common heart.

Question: In order for our prayer to be accepted, do we all have to realize in the mind of the heart that we cannot unite?

Answer: The Creator shows us this. We should strive to unite, as if we are speaking from a common heart, from a common desire, from a common intention, but at the same time, we will feel some difference between us. The Creator does this to bring us closer and closer together.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Understanding What Is Written in Shulchan Aruch

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