Questions about Spiritual Work—63

560Question: Is the state of ashes a descent to the inanimate degree or a transition to the human degree?

Answer: The state of ashes can be at any degree; it is when a person simply loses a sense of where he is, with whom he is connected, and so on.

Question: What determines which quality currently dominates us?

Answer: It depends on what degree a person is at.

Question: Does the ten as a whole also go through all four degrees: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and speaking?

Answer: Partly, we have to go through all these degrees individually and all together.

Question: Should our dissemination include different degrees or focus on some of them?

Answer: No, it should not. You have to disseminate in a way that it will be clear to everyone.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/11/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Still, Vegetative, Animate, and Speaking”

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