Questions about Spiritual Work—54

963.5Question: What does it mean to be fruitful and multiply in spirituality?

Answer: It means to increase good actions.

Question: It is said that in order to be rewarded with adhesion, a person must cancel his existence. What does it mean?

Answer: This means that a person wants to live only for the sake of the friends, and in connection with them he strives to find the root of his spiritual life.

Question: How should we behave in this world?

Answer: Like ordinary people: honest, intelligent, and so on. We should not tell or show anything of our inner work.

Question: How can we balance the feeling of shame and modesty?

Answer: You should constantly raise faith above reason.

Question: How do we check if our faith is complete?

Answer: The indicator is how long your faith lasts, is it for a day, a week, a month, etc.

Question: The Creator gives me fear for children; is it as an example that I should be afraid for the ten for not being able to do anything for it, for not being able to bring it to the Creator? It is scary.

Answer: You should hold on to the Creator more, and you will not be afraid. And if you feel that you have even greater fear, then the Creator calls you to hold on to Him even more tightly.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/30/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Concerning the Staff and the Serpent”

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