At the Gates of Tears

624.06Question: You said that a ten can open any gate in spirituality. Which ones exactly?

Answer: There are many gates that we have to go through, but the most important gate is the gate of tears. When a person has no strength left to turn to the Creator and is convinced that he is a loser and nothing will help him, then he bursts into tears and the Creator opens the gates to him.

Everyone who comes closer to Him passes through this gate.

Question: What should you ask Him at the moment when you really see that you are a failure?

Answer: Explore what you need, and ask for it.

Question: But what about the quality of bestowal? We are studying that we should ask precisely for it.

Answer: But if you don’t have any impulse for that, then what are you going to ask for?

Question: Is it important to just ask for what you lack, or to ask to be in connection with the Creator?

Answer: It depends on what you choose. Don’t make me choose for you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/24/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “My Soul Shall Weep in Secret – 1“

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