All the Nation Involved in the Spiritual War

961.1Internal war and external war are both parts of one single whole. Each spiritual root must clothe in a corporeal branch. It seems that the spiritual root has already touched the corporeal branch and the nation of Israel has already conquered the land of Israel. Why is there a war again?

The point is that the root and the branch must completely grow into each other and exert mutual influence. The root comes in a form that is completely inappropriate for the branch; it must receive a restriction, a screen, and reflected light in order to gradually clothe in the corporeal branch.

War is always caused by a mismatch between the branch and the root. The war that is going on now is the war for the conquest of the land of Israel described in the Torah! This is a process that takes time. We need to internally accept it, agree with the upper government, and believe in salvation.

Only with the help of the army, the force acting from below, and the force of the Creator from above can we build ourselves in the correct form and win. We have no other forces than these two. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are truly a holy army.

In Israel, it is customary to treat the army with sacred respect. But in the Israeli army there really is a spiritual force that raises the people of Israel to the level of the Creator.

Even soldiers who are far from studying the Torah and Mitzvot are eventually included in this system that leads us all to the holiness of the Creator. That is, they, perhaps without knowing it, are waging a spiritual war in Gaza.

And everyone’s duty is to support them with everything possible. It means not just material support, but connecting our hearts, and from our common heart to help them succeed in everything they are doing. And thus, the entire nation will be involved in this spiritual war.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/21/23, Writing of Rabash “And It Shall Come to Pass When You Come to the Land that the Lord Your God Gives You”

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