Why Did the Shattering Happen?

548.02In the “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” it is said that the shattering is the process where light (pleasure) enters an unprepared desire.

This happens when a person wants to receive something for his own sake. But while he makes these attempts, he sees that he is not succeeding because the entire inner nature of our world exists based on the property of bestowal and love, on the property of the Creator, and we want to use the property of reception and acquisition. Therefore, a mismatch occurs between us and the Creator.

Question: According to the law of the first restriction, light cannot enter an unprepared desire. How did it happen that the light still entered it, and therefore, the shattering occurred?

Answer: Initially, there was no such prohibition; it was never manifested anywhere. Therefore, when the light entered the desire to receive, then, due to their opposition, the light was shattered into tiny sparks, and the desire was shattered into tiny particles.

This happened only once in nature and cannot happen again. Therefore, today our task is to assemble all the shattered desires and fill them with those sparks of light that scattered from the explosion.

Question: Is this a deliberate process?

Answer: Of course, there is nothing accidental; everything follows a common law.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 10/10/23

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