Disconnection from the Upper Light

548.01Question: Did the process of the breakage of the general system happen gradually or instantly?

Answer: The process of the breakage took place instantly, but in stages. That is, only one action of the breakage occurred, but it descended in stages. Starting from the largest stage, the common vessel was gradually breaking and crushed into smaller parts until the smallest stage.

Question: Does the breakage mean that the upper light ceased to control our desire and, as it were, gave us freedom?

Answer: No, it did not cease to control our desire. While being in this broken desire, we are disconnected from the upper light, and therefore, do not feel its impact.

Question: Do I understand correctly that the breakage was necessary to mix the altruistic desires of the Creator and the egoistic desires of the creation, which allows the manifestation of life in our world? After all, life is a constant bestowal and reception.

Answer: Yes. Therefore, all our work in the corporeal world is to realize that reception is against the upper law of nature, against the Creator and bestowal, mutual unification is for Him, for His sake.

In principle, in every creation and, naturally, in every person there is a spark of inclination toward bestowal. Otherwise, we could not exist.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 10/10/23

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