Master of Disguise

608.02Comment: The British actor-comedian Peter Sellers was well known for his mastery of impersonation. Some claimed that Sellers had no identity and in essence he had no individuality. Sellers said that behind the mask he was an empty vessel.

His selflessness was widely discussed with speculations that he could not understand who he was. But in Kabbalah, it is believed that a person must nullify himself in order to accept information from another.

My Response: Yes. But in Kabbalah, I study myself in relation to others all the time. I cannot study them if I do not know myself. At the same time, I absorb their desires, change under their influence, and explore both myself and them at the same time, and I observe how they invest in me.

This is not attained by annulling oneself. What the British comedian did was a psychological egoistic trick. Yet, in Kabbalah, when I include you in myself without annulling myself, I completely unfold myself in order to fill you as much as possible. Therefore, I need all my properties.

Comment: At the end of his life, they say that Peter Sellers tried to play himself, but it did not work out. This was the tragedy of his life.

My Response: This is not so in Kabbalah. I do not feel myself this way and I cannot imagine how it could be.

On the contrary, when I make a restriction on my desires, I know what I am doing. They grow more and more in me, and I reduce these desires in their intention to receive for my own sake. All this is in order to feel the other in them. It is double work.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Master of Disguise” 9/29/11

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