Get Out of the Sandbox

4Today we are beginning to feel that the past paradigm of the world is not working. We cannot improve our condition in any way. Everything is over. It is as if we are being pulled out of the sandbox and pushed into a new society where we must be mutually connected with each other in some kind of adult enterprise.

When we played in the sandbox, everyone could play in their corner, with their own cars, roll them, and make cakes out of sand. And now we have been thrust into a completely different state.

We have been placed in some kind of community and told: “Now you must be in good dependence on each other, find a common language among yourselves, and somehow communicate correctly.” And we do not want to. We want to continue being independent, and not take on any obligations. That is where the problem is.

Question: Let’s say a person has power, fame, security, a car. How can such people be convinced? They absolutely do not want to move away from that “sandbox.”

Answer: I think that they will quickly become convinced that they are losing everything and are under a great threat for their very existence, and that they suddenly are becoming beggars. For such a person to become a beggar means to descend to the level of a normal, ordinary middle class.

For him, it is just something unimaginable. And it will happen. All his external gloss will disappear, no social, political, economic ties with the help of which he held onto his level will work.

There will only be one thing left: to agree that the whole of humanity, as nature suggests to us, should really be connected on one single level, in full interconnection, mutual assistance to each other, and thus achieve the highest comfortable state, spirituality.

Comment: As a rule, the more a person has, the more difficult it is for him to connect with others.

My Response: If only a person would start engaging with something above this level, with the purpose of existence, the laws of nature, our development, and so on, then, in general, he will easily tolerate parting with what he had before; it will, of course, seem superfluous to him.

Comment: But by nature, the less a person has, the easier it is for him to make a revolution in his life.

My Response: No, it just seems that way; it is purely psychological. I do not think that is really the case. Not to that extent. It depends not on the status, but on the level of his knowledge, attainment, and awareness of the necessity.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How not to Lose Money?” 10/31/11

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