According to the New Scheme

507.05Previously in nature and society, we acted according to an egoistic, impulsive, and linear program, when everyone earned as much as they worked. That is how I chose my job, family, and everything else, and due to my natural abilities and efforts, I achieved something.

I know that there are objective conditions that exist around me, and everything else depends on me; certain conditions are placed before me, and the rest is up to me to move forward. That is how I went through life and saw that I accomplished this and that.

I had some savings, a house, family, children, friends, and some plans. I wanted vacations, retirement, medical insurance, and so on, just like any ordinary, normal, person desires. But today there is some incomprehensible situation, like in a Winnie the Pooh story : “Some kind of wrong bees.” Everything seems wrong, and I do not know how to act.

I can go to work, try to invest anywhere. And what? I am not getting an adequate response to my reasonable, obvious, serious, and straightforward efforts! I am not trying to deceive anyone; I work with my egoism, and I want to receive as much as I earn. It does not work! Perhaps there should be some kind of luck involved, but it does not smile at me. What’s the matter?!

It turns out that a completely different scheme is working now; I can succeed in my life only if I also think about the well-being of other people. How can that be?! What do other people have to do with it?! I am investing! Why are they in the picture?! Maybe they are lazy or are even my enemies.

They tell me: “It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not because today these are the conditions and this is the way society is! You have to take into account the welfare of everyone and not just brush it off: “Okay, let them be happy.” You must learn to strive to be integral with them in one system so that everyone would feel good, and so that when investing, you think about what you are investing in them, and that you truly feel you are working together with them.

Moreover, you have to share with everyone and they with you. You don’t just go out into the world, earn money, bring home your prey, and share a piece of mammoth in your cave with the family; No!

You have to think about whether everyone has brought their prey. And when you come home and sit with your family, you have to imagine that you are sitting with the whole world. Does the whole world have what you have? How would you share it with them?”

Do you understand what dreadful conditions nature sets for us?! This is the state of the world today, and that is why no one knows what to do.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Mind in Action” 8/13/11

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