All the Billions of People as One Man

944The main thing is our connection. After all, every person has a piece of the common soul of Adam HaRishon, and in order to reach the connection with the Creator, we must connect with each other. This connection is implemented in the tens since ten is a special round number, equivalent to the entire general whole. Therefore, following the advice of Kabbalists, we will organize ourselves into tens.

Everyone must take care to be included in a ten, where everyone will be as one man with one heart. This connection is permanent and strengthens all the time. The power of this connection determines the degree to which we raise ourselves, up to the complete correction, up to true connection into one man with one heart.

This principle has been observed for thousands of years by Kabbalists, that is, people who want to rise spiritually and reach correction. On the basis of this calculation, we can evaluate the world, and the people, and check ourselves to what degree we are.

That is why it is so important to hold gatherings of friends where we meet and try to unite as one: one ten as one, ten tens as one, etc., more and more until the power of our connection gives us the feeling of the Creator. This is how we advance until the end of correction when all the billions of people will unite into one ten, into one common structure, the soul of Adam.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/27/23, Writing of Rabash “The Order of the Work, from Baal HaSulam”

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