Why Do Basic Human Desires Decrease?

506.2In the News (ifstudies): “‘Fewer American High Schoolers Having Sex Than Ever Before’

“Fewer than 40% of American high schoolers have ever had sexual intercourse, a decline of over 15 percentage points since the early 1990s. …

“What this year’s report shows is yet another drop in that activity, consistent with the more or less continuous trend since 1991. Closer examination reveals that most teens are having less sex and delaying sex longer, and that sexually-active teens have fewer lifetime sexual partners.”

Question: This is an interesting phenomenon. Why do you think these basic human desires are decreasing so much?

Answer: On one hand we experienced the peak of sexuality when it was allowed and possible. Young people, boys and girls, even bragged about it to each other.

And now, it has become so common, mundane, that people are simultaneously or in parallel to it looking for some other activities. Therefore, interest in sex is gradually decreasing.

People are looking for some kind of inner satisfaction, which sex unfortunately cannot give. Along with sexual experience and everything else comes frustration and emptiness.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah in the modern turbulent world” 8/3/23

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