The World through the Eyes of the Creator

275Question: We feel ourselves in some kind of physical attire. But Kabbalists, looking at this world, probably do not see individuals. Do they perceive it differently, perhaps like an aquarium in which small fish are scurrying around?

Answer: No, you do not see people as protein bodies, but as desires. You watch them shimmer, merge, come closer, and move away. And you need to somehow make sure that they eventually come into the right contact.

Question: Are our everyday worries, say that we need to hammer a nail or do something else, perceived by Kabbalists simply as desires?

Answer: These are animalistic mechanical desires. They are awakened in us automatically by that common motor that moves everyone forward. We need to work through them as well, they are our part.

Like in our world there is a vast universe and there is a clear causality that every molecule and every atom at every moment of time is in some state of its own and in a specific interaction with all the others.

Can we imagine this system? After all, this is infinity! What keeps the atoms of countless stars, nebulae, and galaxies in a certain system, in a certain relationship with each other? This is incredible for our conceptual apparatus.

How is it possible to think about all this at the same time, to program, maintain, and lead the entire system to a state of, say, vegetative nature? And it is even more complicated; all the movements in each molecule, in each combination, occur at a qualitatively new level. Then it all moves to the animate level: to amoebas, to all the simplest vertebrates, and so on. It becomes an enormous system!

But when it is triggered by one force—the force of maximum pleasure because the system itself consists of the desire to receive pleasure, it turns out that all this is averaged out, calms down, and adds up together.

It is very simple, nothing else is needed; into each atom, its desire enters, pleasure is given from above, and they all line up in a certain state. Absolutely everything in the world forms such a common “plate.”
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The World Through the Eyes of the Creator” 10/11/11

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