The Creator’s Warmth

276.02Question: What is this embrace, closeness, and warmth that we feel in connection with the Creator?

Answer: It is impossible to explain it in other words because the connection with Him really feels like an embrace, intimacy. I feel the Creator very close, I snuggle up to Him, I want to be near Him all the time, I warm up. This is what the Creator gives me. I feel that I am in contact with Him all the time and get this closeness, this warmth from Him.

Question: What can I give the Creator in return?

Answer: Recognition. Cling to the Creator like a child, and it will be enough.

Question: How can one not be dependent on the desire to be in connection with the Creator for my own sake, but dependent on the desire to bring Him contentment?

Answer: To do this, you must constantly think about it and ask for you to have such a relation toward the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/24/23, “To Criticize Oneself”

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