Inner and Surrounding Light

260.01On one hand, the light constantly applies pressure on our desire, wanting to enter it because the purpose of creation, as Baal HaSulam writes, is to delight all creatures.

On the other hand, with the help of the screen, the creation does not let the light enter because it does not want to feel shame. This collision between the light and the screen is called striking.

The light that enters the Kli for the purpose of enjoying for the sake of the Creator is called inner light, while the light that cannot enter is called surrounding light.

You accept only what you can get for the sake of the Creator. Whatever you still cannot, you leave, as they say, for later; it exists around you, like a surrounding light.

Question: But can you enjoy it too?

Answer: You can enjoy the fact that it exists, but it is not the same pleasure you get from the inner light.

Question: So the purpose of creation is for us to receive 100% of only the inner light?

Answer: Yes, in the end, the Kli, the creation receives all the light.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 8/13/23

Related Material:
The Difference Between Direct and Surrounding Light
The Creator and the Upper Light
The Imprint Of The Light

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