Fulfillment of Wishes

294.2Question: What should I do to make a wish come true?

Answer: First, really, really want it and investigate whether your desire is in contradiction with the general course of humanity.

Second, find such people in your environment who would also like to achieve a state of connection, and rapprochement with each other. This way you will have an understanding of how to advance to the desired result.

Question: At what level of desire is the desire to be loved? And how can you rise above it?

Answer: Every person has a desire to be loved in a more or less expressed form. It is our natural desire that we feel at any age, at any time. The desire for love is the desire for compassion, connection, and feeling the other as yourself. It is inherent in everyone.

Question: Is the desire for mutual love, for whole life, an egoistic desire?

Answer: In general, yes. But can you give the same feeling to another? This is already a question.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah in the modern turbulent world” 8/3/23

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