First Desire, Then Awareness

276.02In our world, we feel independent because we do not have a feeling of connection with the force that is shining from above and in relation to which everything is very simply built. Everyone has his own position relative to it and at every moment wants to change his state. As a result, he changes it according to the general scheme. That is, everything exists according to such a definite, clear, rigid order that there is no need to calculate anything in advance or do anything.

The calculation is only relative to the person: how well does he want to move forward in his subjective feelings or not, and nothing more. Everything is very simple.

Everything comes only from sensations. First comes the desire and then the awareness of what you feel in it. This desire may be such that you do not feel anything in it yet. Then some sensations appear.

Although the desire already has some kind of fulfillment, some kind of sensory information, you may not feel it yet, it is below the threshold of your sensitivity. Then you begin to feel it as pleasant or unpleasant, and then realize: is it pleasant or not, what are the causal consequences, and so on.

That is, awareness is born much later than sensation. Therefore, the wisdom of Kabbalah talks about the way to attain, reveal, and begin to feel everything, and then, in accordance with this, you will begin to understand.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The World Through the Eyes of the Creator” 10/11/11

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