A Person’s Choice

232.05Question: How can we follow the normal path of development? What is a person’s choice?

Answer: A person’s choice is only to unite over all the forces that oppose this.

There are two forces that affect us. We are given a left, evil, egoistic force, rejection from each other, and using each other. And we need to demand another force, the altruistic force, the force of connection, the force of love. We can attract it only through engagement in the highest degree.

Being engaged in the highest degree, we sort of pull ourselves up to it, play this game like a child who wants to be big and plays in this state.

Question: And how will those who do not practice Kabbalah come to this?

Answer: They will come through us. They will listen to what we tell them. They do not need to do anything special. There is enough material presented by us in an easy way: what is freedom of will, how we should be connected with each other, etc.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Is the Creator a Pervert?” 7/23/11

Related Material:
Unifying The Two Forces Of Nature Within
Two Forces That Create A Human Being
The Constant Struggle Between Two Forces: For And Against Unity

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