Kabbalah Should Become the Property of Everyone

214I want the ideas of Kabbalah to become the property of the masses. These are not my ideas; they are taken from nature. Kabbalists, as scientists, reveal all kinds of relationships and offer humanity a way to get acquainted with them. If you get acquainted in advance, it will be easier. If you don’t get acquainted, then you will act by trial and error.

But acting incorrectly in the scope of human society leads to years of suffering, destruction, hunger, etc. Mistakes affect people. These are not actually technical errors when something burned down, failed, or fell and crashed by itself.

Therefore, Kabbalists talk about the system and what awaits everyone: “Please come to us; learn, look, and you will come to the same conclusion!” Everything is logical! Nothing is hidden from anyone.

If there were no alternative to the rigid natural development of “by the stick to happiness,” then Kabbalists would be silent. But since this alternative exists, we can accelerate our advancement and make it softer, more pleasant, and faster. Tha’is what Kabbalah is for.

Let’s say you have to get somewhere and in front of you is a dense forest full of robbers and wild animals; you have to go through the woods with small children, elderly, and heavy belongings without any food supplies. How can you do it?!

Here you are offered a magic carpet or at least a normal road. A guide walks in front of you and leads you through a shorter way that you didn’t even know about.

Imagine that there is a globe in front of you and you have to get from one point to a point that is a kilometer away from you, but you go around the globe in a circular way to reach the neighboring point. This is what the path of humanity looks like today.

If humanity had another opportunity, then I would sit quietly and that’s it. What can you do? Scientists sit and explore; nature is nature, and that is how we have to go since there is no getting away.

But when instead of the option of the path of suffering, there is a path of light, which is logical and even in some ways already visible today, how can we leave it and not tell people about it?!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Exit to Light” 7/16/11

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