The Third Fundamental Concept of the Wisdom of Kabbalah

232.06The third matter is the restriction and the screen placed on this vessel of reception, which is phase four, in return for which new vessels of reception were made in the ten Sefirot, called reflected light (Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Item 17). 

Baal HaSulam writes that the third fundamental concept of the wisdom of Kabbalah is the restriction (Tzimtzum) and the screen (Masach).

The fact is that when the light descends from above downward, it must reduce itself at each degree in order to give the lower ones that exist at each degree the opportunity to find themselves. Therefore, the light restricts itself, i.e., it constantly decreases as it descends from above downward along the 625 degrees of the worlds.

In order for the lower ones to be able to attain the light, they must acquire the screen, which is a method of being similar to the light. At the same time, the lower ones, not wanting to receive the upper light, make a restriction on themselves because they want to use it only for bestowal, just like the Creator.

To the extent that the created beings can receive the upper light for the sake of bestowal, like a guest and a host, they understand each other, reveal themselves to each other, and exist in a mutual connection.

In other words, there is the Creator and creation. Some kind of pleasure is emanated from the Creator. But this system, called the Creator or the upper force conceals these pleasures from the lower ones, so that we, the created beings, can consciously and independently reach these states. This is what the worlds are made for.

The screen is an anti-egoistic quality or a force that allows us to fulfill the fundamental law of the universe—the equivalence of qualities. Because of the screen, we make restrictions on receiving pleasure for our own sake, and thus we coincide by our qualities with the upper system.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 8/13/23

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