Drip Penetration into Egoism

294.2Comment: People who are not engaged in Kabbalah should see everything by example. When you tell them about the future, about connections, integrality, and globality, they can orient themselves only toward the society that contains it in itself, i.e., the society of Kabbalists. If there is no such example, it is difficult for them to absorb it.

My Response: Interconnection is what the nations demand. They demand a kind attitude toward them, they want social justice, social balance, and some kind of equality.

It is possible to really show that this is doable only when we all are like one family. Only if we get together at a common round table and start solving all the problems together, then we will succeed. We have already talked about this many times.

Our conversations show how difficult it is to push through the human desire to remain in their previous feelings and thoughts, and how much constant systematic explanation is required until all this somehow seeps through egoism. It is necessary to find a crack in it in order to constantly drip inside.

I have no complaints against anyone. I am dealing with a being called the man of our world who behaves according to his nature.

If I have any complaints to anyone, it is only to the one who created us, and not to the person himself.

Question: And who should I complain to?

Answer: If you feel inferior, then turn all your claims to Him too.

Comment: But 99.9% of people on Earth feel inferior in some way.

My Response: It depends on what. When you get under the influence of the right environment, you begin to feel yourself relative to them, you compare them with yourself and yourself with them. That is when you already see which way you really would like to change. You get other values, the ones that they bring to you.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. An example of a different reality” 9/3/11

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