Until It Clicks Inside

243.01Comment: If we analyze the process of a person coming to Kabbalah when he develops the need for it, the first thing he feels here is power. And then the mind turns on. But at first, he still does not feel what you are talking about until he moves to a certain degree.

My Response: Of course not! He must constantly raise the level of cognition in himself, which depends on the change in his internal properties.

Let us say you listen and listen, do not understand anything, feel confused, and suddenly: “Tick!” something clicks inside, and you begin to understand and feel; everything becomes much clearer. And you already treat it as an existing fact. But before that, you listened and did not hear.

These are the steps we must pass, and there are many of them.

But what is interesting is that you change. Your properties change, expand, and become deeper, and then you have the opportunity to understand, feel, and accept all this.

Those people who are outside of this will not be able to do that. They will have to go through the path of searching and suffering, until they also come to the need to feel this world, our world, only in a deeper form, to the extent that it is being revealed to us today, but we cannot understand it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Attraction … Rejection …” 9/3/11

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