A Degree in Attaining the Creator

938.04Question: How does one feel a friend as a degree in attaining the Creator?

Answer: A friend is not me; it is something from the outside. If I get used to the fact that I strive to connect with him, then this is already a degree on the path to connection with the Creator.

The desire to feel a friend is different from the desire to feel the other. These are different feelings.

We should try to feel the friend as ourselves, so close as if he is inside me. By this we prepare the Kli (vessel) for the revelation of the Creator within us.

Question: What do I want to give to the friends, or what do I want the Creator to give them?

Answer: You must first feel what they want, and then try to be an intermediary so that they receive it from the Creator through you.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 8/16/23, “To Come to Feel Others”

Related Material:
There Is No Light Without Friends
A Friend Stands on the Way to the Creator

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