Two Spiritual Languages

526Hebrew and Aramaic are two spiritual languages that are spelled the same but pronounced a little differently. In ancient Babylon, both languages were spoken. But their origins go back to Adam. His first book, The Secret Angel (Raziel HaMalach), Adam wrote in Hebrew. “Angel” is a force of nature, and “secret” means that this force was hidden from us 3,700 years ago, Abraham wrote The Book of Creation in two languages, Hebrew and Aramaic, because they are interconnected and complement each other—one from the side of light and the other from the side of the vessel for the light.

The Great Commentary and other books are written in the same language.

Comment: But Hebrew letters are symbols that come from Kabbalah.

My Response: It does not matter where these languages come from. On one hand, people spoke them, and on the other hand, they corresponded to spiritual symbols because Kabbalists translated them into Hebrew and Aramaic.

Language expresses a person’s feelings, his ideas. There is no language that is worse or better. But if you have taken it as a basis, then you are already following it. Kabbalists did just that. And those people who wanted to study Kabbalah had to learn this language. Just like if you want to know a programming language, you have to go inside that language, mainly English.
 From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Mother tongue” 9/21/11

Related Material:
Two Unique Languages And Their Spiritual Roots
Hebrew And Aramaic
An Inseparable Pair: Hebrew And Aramaic

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