Like in One Family

507.03Question: We see that the leaders of countries who gather at summits cannot agree among themselves and cannot reach any kind of decision. And if we take ten Kabbalists as an example, how would they conduct these discussions?

Answer: They would conduct discussions as if they were one family!

Gather 20 heads of state together and make them think about each other, about their common problem as one family. And we will see if they can even attune in this way. If not, then they are not capable of being leaders today; replace them with others.

You cannot harm someone in an integral system because by doing this you harm the entire system!

People must realize this! Nature will obligate us to realize this. That is why we cannot solve any problem. We do not even know the economy of the future! Our economy does not work today. There are already rudiments of such works that are based on an integral economy.

Question: In essence, does everything have to collapse in order to start working correctly?

Answer: On corporeal level, nothing should be destroyed. The egoistic network of connections that we created among ourselves must be destroyed. Gradually! Peacefully! By tuning into different relationships: within the family, within society, within the state, between states, continents, in the economy, in everything.

Everything should be completely different, not immediately, but in accordance with people’s ability to maintain this system, which is why the most important thing is the education of humanity.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. You Need a Decision” 7/9/11

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