Criticism and Self-Criticism

281.01Evolution is built on the law of “negation of the negation” when in order to rise to the upper degree I must negate the degree on which I currently am. It should already seem bad to me, I can no longer stay in it, I must make a revolution, i.e., rise above it.

Question: What is the essence of negation based on criticism?

Answer: If this is criticism that helps me create or attain something, then I agree with it, I love it. I really need such criticism. If not for it, I would not know how best to change my attitude toward students, toward the world, and so on. But only if this criticism is serious and not just, as they say: “you yourself are a fool.”

Comment: I do not mean external criticism, but self-criticism.

My Response: Self-criticism is a very difficult thing. After all, a person is always bribed by his egoism. No matter how much I want to criticize myself, I will always subconsciously twist it through ten different levels so that in the end I will calm down, it will be beneficial for me.

I will take pride in my self-criticism, and that will be the end of it. Well, what do you want from me? I criticize myself. Stay away from me with your criticism.

Kabbalah, however, reveals in this a very wide field of activity for each person.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Where is the Truth?” 8/27/11

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