How Can I Direct Myself to Bestowal

504Question: You said that we implement our choice by transforming the desire to receive into a desire to bestow. How do we do this?

Answer: The most important thing is the intention: what I do and why I do it. I do it only because this is the will of the Creator.

Question: Is it possible to work in this way with any desire that is revealed in a person?

Answer: If you know exactly what the Creator wants in one of your desires, then you can do it.

Question: How can I know what the Creator wants? How can I figure this out?

Answer: To do this, you must be inside the ten and be connected with your friends in such a way that you can try to bestow to them, set your heart toward them, and then you will gradually learn to direct yourself to bestow.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/24/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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