Questions about Spiritual Work—1

528.03Question: As we develop, the Creator reveals new portions of evil to us. And if evil manifests itself in the group somehow cyclically, like previous stages, how can we properly enter a new stage and break this circle?

Answer: Constantly pursue the same goal: I have to rise above my egoism and act in the direction of benevolence toward my friends in the group.

Question: If a person does not raise a prayer for the correction of his nature, is it the Creator who does not honor him with a dialogue with Him, or is it a person’s laziness?

Answer: The Creator waits until a person develops the necessary qualities that will put pressure on him from the inside and force him to come closer to Him anyway.

Question: Let us say a friend participates in lessons, makes maximal external efforts, and comes to meetings, but does not know what else can be added to bring more benefit to the ten, what could you tell him?

Answer: Nothing. Let him read articles about it, there are many of them. But, in principle, what he has to do is serve his ten and be with it in heart and soul.

Question: How do I know when to annul myself and when to lessen myself?

Answer: Ideally, we should always annul egoism and always include the desires of others instead of our own.

Question: Is it necessary to keep such a line when we lower and annul ourselves all the time?

Answer: Do not worry, you are not lessening or annulling yourself yet. But if you put others above yourself, then you will begin to feel the spiritual world in the difference between you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/25/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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