The World Inside and Outside

423.03Question: Let’s say I go out into the world and tell a person certain things. Despite the fact that everything is inside of me, does he nevertheless exist as if in my perception? Is there a line between what I can say and what I cannot?

Answer: Yes. You have to treat a person as existing outside of you because this is how you perceive him at the moment. When you are able to turn to him within yourself, then it is a completely different level.

As long as the world is not corrected, it exists both outside and inside. When the world is completely corrected, i.e., when I will correct in myself absolutely all external parts that will become my internal ones, then it will all become one.

I cannot explain this. You have to feel it. Instead of understanding with your head, try to understand with your heart. Then everything will be fine.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. I am Surrounded by Freaks” 5/30/11

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