What Is the Effect of the Light

138Question: What is the structure of light like? What is its effect, even if we do not make an analogy of our world?

Answer: This is the light of thought, comprehension, illumination, disclosure, and wisdom. New capacities in the senses and in the mind open up in you, and you suddenly begin to expand. It is as if you have awakened and are still half–asleep, drooping, drinking a cup of coffee, and suddenly you begin to open up from the inside in feelings and mind; everything begins to awaken—this is the feeling of the impact of light.

You feel new layers of the world, the depths of people, and you feel how everything is moving.

Question: Why is this sensation called light?

Answer: The light of comprehension, insight, sensation, and reason is the way of the world.

Light is the foundation of the world, foundation of life, and the foundation of nature. It is not necessarily visible light. These are the waves that carry information and fill us.

Question: Does this spiritual light still affect the material world?

Answer: Yes, it also acts on the material world, and it forms and holds it. But this is its very small and backward part that is necessary only for us to exist in the illusion of our world and gradually come out of it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How Does Light Affect?” 5/7/11

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