The Creator Is Always Close to a Person

202.0A person should try to see that the Creator addresses him every moment through different forces and different events. In fact, the Creator is always close to a person and working on him.

Therefore, if a person does not stop searching and always remembers that everything he feels comes from the Creator and he yearns to connect with Him, he will never stray from the right path and will always be aimed at the Creator.

At any time, behind any phenomenon, the Creator’s address to him is hidden, and here everything depends only on the person as to what extent he is able to constantly aim for the Creator.

Sometimes the Creator causes a person to cool down by sending him disturbances, but this is not in order to lead him astray; on the contrary, it is to awaken a person and to teach him. This is how parents teach a child to walk; they step back so that the child makes an effort and takes a step toward them.

No matter what happens, every time we are certainly dealing only with the Creator who does not leave us for a moment, and all we need is to not leave Him. No matter how we feel the Creator’s attitude toward us, the main thing is not to interrupt direct communication with Him. That is, we must try to react to every impression received from the Creator by responding to it from our hearts in the same way in which the Creator addressed us.

It does not matter that a person still lacks knowledge, he just wants to be in connection with the Creator and therefore tries to be constantly ready to respond to the Creator’s address to him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/17/23, Writing of Rabash “What It Means that the Name of the Creator is ‘Truth’”

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