Choosing a Name for a Child

559Question: Does the choice of a person’s name play any role? Where does a name come from?

Answer: Yes and no. The fact is that the name of a person is supposedly given by accident by his parents. Why the parents had a desire to give him or her a particular name seems to be their business.

In fact, the name speaks of the inner essence of a person. There is nothing random in the world because everything is absolutely predetermined! But we do not know that.

What if your name is so-and-so and my name is so-and-so? Our parents wanted to name us that, based on the circumstances, i.e., on the advice of relatives, or a young mother read a novel and wanted to name the child by the name of its character.

Let’s say the name Madonna or Diana is popular today. At one time, the name Angela was popular, and so on. It does not matter. The popularity of names does not matter. It is predetermined anyway. Therefore, any hint of anything contains an internal source.

Do you think you can guess the qualities or fate of a person by their name? This is unavailable to us unless you are Wolf Messing. It was enough for him to look at a person, and he immediately saw both his name and his fate. It is written down in nature but not for our use.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Choosing a Name for the Child” 5/7/11

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