The Structure of Altruism

49.01Question: You say that egoism forms a certain body. Then what does altruism form?

Answer: Altruism forms the soul, meaning a completely different body, a spiritual one.

Altruism is based on the fact that I perceive the feelings and thoughts of others as my own. I operate not with my own desires, but with someone else’s. I use my own desires only in order to fulfill the desires of others.

To do this, I need completely different qualities. My egoism can only fill itself. Here, however, I begin to connect, for example, to you. But you have other desires, other needs, and therefore I develop my egoism by including your desires, qualities, and all of you into myself, and become twice the size, consisting of myself and you. My part serves you, and your part consumes this service, like Bina and Malchut, like mother and child.

In this way, I attain your desire and fill it with the upper light that comes to me to a greater extent. In doing so, I feel that I am fulfilling you; that is, I feel like a Creator regarding you. By this, I attain one-seven billionth part of the Creator.

Such fulfillment, feeling, understanding, and action, all this is called “the Creator in me.” Here, I have revealed Him. Therefore, “love your neighbor as yourself” is the main rule of the Torah, that is, the entire instruction for correction. There is no escaping this! If you want to feel more than your animalistic body and live above it, you must include the other in yourself!

Question: In principle, is it also a benefit to attach the other to yourself?

Answer: Start thinking that it is beneficial, that through this you achieve everything! Think as your egoism thinks; do not resist! The main thing is to love your neighbor, even if this is uncomfortable for you. Then you will see the light will begin to work on you and will transfer this into a completely different direction.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Structure of Altruism” 5/7/11

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