The Paradox of Interest in Kabbalah

546.03Comment: The ancient philosophers who studied with Kabbalists took some knowledge from Kabbalah and brought it out. From this, certain philosophies and teachings were born.

My Response: Yes, philosophers themselves state it. This was in the time of the prophets 600-700 BC and later.

Question: How can we avoid repeating the same movement among your students?

Answer: If people were interested in this earlier, today no one needs it.

I have published so many books! So what? Are they snapped up, read, researched? Everyone is only interested in mechanical toys, in how you can pick up this world in order to get out of it as much momentary benefit for yourself as possible, and that’s it. More people are not interested in anything.

Therefore, you can talk about Kabbalah as much as you want, no one needs it.

Previously, it was not possible to spread it, because there was a danger that people who began to study Kabbalah would begin to err.

It turns out that when those who could become interested in Kabbalah lived, it was hidden. And at the present time when people are generally not interested in anything except the material, Kabbalah is open.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Separate from Laitman” 5/14/11

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