The Common Bond of People—Like A Rose Among Thorns

275Just as a rose among the thorns is tinged with red and white, the Assembly of Israel contains Din [judgment] and Rachamim [mercy] (Zohar for AllThe Rose,” Item 1).

When we talk about the gathering of souls, we mean people who are internally connected to each other, although they are not aware of it. And the realization of their common connection is called a “rose.”

Question: Are souls the common connection of all people in the world?

Answer: The common connection of all people in the world is “like a rose among thorns.” And this is called the soul.

And the thorns symbolize judgment, tough management. If you don’t want to be like a rose, to bloom and spread, then you will feel the control from above with the help of judgment and tough management.

Question: Speaking in Kabbalistic language, souls are our inner desires that are always subject to some kind of restrictions. Why are these restrictions necessary?

Answer: To guide us toward better development. After all, it is up to a person to determine how to use harmful egoistic qualities that are hard as thorns in him.

It is precisely because the rose grows between the thorns that we have the opportunity to correctly use the painful management that is directed as if against us, but only in order for us to be corrected and constantly correct ourselves in a good connection between us.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 6/4/23

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