What Awaits a Person after Death?

294.4Question: Many people who have gone through clinical death claim that they experienced vivid sensations of a world that is dominated by one force that radiates goodness, love, and mercy. And at the same time, they felt how every moment of their lives, every action and intention, was recorded with pedantic accuracy.

Is there any connection between these sensations and what Kabbalists experience when they reveal the spiritual world? After all, Kabbalah also talks about the love and mercy of the upper force.

Answer: I am afraid to answer this question directly because of the risk of being misunderstood. Of course, everything does not end with the death of the physical body. A body lives and dies, we see it very well, and we even use meat of slaughtered animals for food.

People claim that clinical death was accompanied by very pleasant sensations in complete contrast to the world they left, which was full of suffering. But it is not surprising that there is such a revolution from evil to absolute good because indeed this corporeal world is the worst of all worlds. It is completely ruled by egoism and is opposite to the positive force of the desire to bestow.

In the upper worlds the force of unification acts, and in our world the force of separation does. And it is clear that the difference between the corporeal and the spiritual world is huge.

But it is not worth talking about it because we cannot provide any evidence and cannot broadcast from the upper world into our world. Therefore, a person is so afraid of death and thinks of it as something incomprehensible and shrouded in mystery. And I do not think that I have the right to reveal this secret.

Some people claim that at the moment of clinical death they suddenly realized the huge impact of their seemingly most insignificant actions. And of course, there is a grain of truth in this.

Therefore, in this life it is still worth behaving as the Torah advises, that is, to unite with each other in order to reveal the true form of reality that awaits us in the future in a common desire (Kli). After all, after physical death, we have to discover that we are completely connected and influence each other.

The Creator hides from us what is beyond the threshold of death. And we are like curious children who want to look behind this veil and find out what is there. But in all our life there is no way to step over this barrier and reveal the form of the future world.

What should be the right attitude toward death? Death is not what we imagine. It is just a sensory transition from our world to another world. For a person who has experienced death, this corporeal reality ends and existence in new sensations begins.

Is this transition accompanied by pain? I do not think so. Should we be afraid of the moment of death? I think we should not. We are just afraid of the unknown.

And what happens after death? After it there is no more death, and there is no more this corporeal life. But what is there? We shall wait and see!
From a conversation with journalists 6/6/23

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