The Main Thing Is Not to Stop

537Comment: When a person begins to study Kabbalah, a higher power gently guides him. But, sooner or later, one experiences states that dull his mind and feelings as if he had never learned anything before.

Beginners, as a rule, at first seem to understand everything, speak correctly, and then when they move from theory to practice, all this is taken away from them. And if they have not established contact with the group, the probability of leaving is very high.

My Response: It depends on the properties of the soul and on the luck of a person, on his guiding star.

The main thing is not to stop! The main thing is not to leave! There is nothing else in life. Well, that is who I am, what can I possibly do? But I will still pursue it. At least at the end of my life, I will not reproach myself for leaving this path.

The rest is in the Creator’s power no matter what we want. It is the Creator who rules. After all, I must say: “There is none else besides Him! This is what He wants. Even though I may have had to change and do things differently, I cannot comprehend what I should be doing so that things would turn out different; or how I did not do it, and yet it is what it is.”

I cannot compare these two states within myself because they are different. Why do I come to the same conclusion that this and that is the will of the Creator? Where am I in this picture?

In our flat imagination, in our flat analysis, we cannot do it. Here, spiritual analysis is required since the other dimension is multipolar. Not our multipolar, but the spiritual. We do not have anything multipolar, we are all selfish and everyone only pushes others from their own selfish point.

When space is multipolar and spiritual, when there is a property of bestowal and property of receiving, and they correlate with each other at different levels, then it is a different story. Then you understand that there is an “out of time” concept. Time goes to the past, to the future, and stops. It works as you like; you can go into the past and at the same time change the future and change the past from the future, in general do whatever you want.

It is the data that is at your disposal just like your whole life. That is, it is no longer our earthly life in a material body. After all, everything that you experience and feel in connection or in divergence with everyone is incessantly multifaceted, multilayered, and at your complete disposal. You are included in a completely different coordinate system that is n-dimensional.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Impact of Kabbalah on a Person” 6/11/14

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