What Should Spouses Think About?

565.02Question: If we talk about the family of the future, what kind of agreement do they make when they get married?

Answer: An agreement that he or she should, first of all, think about the children, then about the spouse, and then about himself or herself. In general, this is very simple. I do not see any problems.

When they think in such a state and are guided by such thoughts, they will have no problems. Even if they will not live relatively closely together, because everything happens in life. I have seen many families who are happy and at the same time do not have close contact with each other.

Comment: So, they follow this formula if there are children.

My Response: They are good friends.

When we first of all demand love and devotion, it is wrong, it quickly leads to defeat. We even see in our lives that it does not work out.

Question: How does the Creator then make all these turns?

Answer: Because there is a difference between the level of an animal and the human level. We definitely should be ascending to it.

Question: What is the human level in this?

Answer: The human level is when I think of my spouse as a friend.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/14/22

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Family And Marriage, Part 12
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In Love, Similarities Attract

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