Replenishment from the Spiritual Level

250Question: When speaking of the spiritual, you give everyone the importance of the goal. How essential is it to be told about the importance of the goal? How do you raise its status for yourself?

Answer: From students! But unlike you, I feel your inner connection and I see who you are from the inside. Among you, you say what you see, and I see the next layers. There you are all mutually connected and devoted to bestowal and love. There you are all on a spiritual level, and from there I get nourishment. That is why I am never in a broken state.

Comment: Sometimes, when you come to a lesson, it feels like you haven’t entered it yet.

My Response: No, it does not mean that I did not enter it. It means that I have left the past state, because I always prepare before the lesson for at least 40 minutes if not an hour. So I don’t come to the lesson right after I open my eyes.

I get up, do a little exercise, take a hot shower, and sit down at the computer; I always go through some materials and only then do I go to the lesson.

The reader begins to read the text and I must immediately respond to it. I must live in it and not just talk about it.

I must be in constant interaction with the material, Baal HaSulam, Rabash, and Ramchal. For me, The Zohar is my world! There is an animal part of the world and a human part. I am in the human part.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Who Rules Laitman?” 12/27/12

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