Mysterious Civilizations of the Past

417Comment: A group of historians and archaeologists claims that before the civilizations of Mayans, Incans, and so on, there were super-civilizations, and that some kind of super people lived in the lands of Israel and India. Scientists have evidence that the cut of stone in these places is so perfect that even modern technologies cannot do this.

My Response: Yes, of course. When we go down under the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, there are blocks of 40, 60, and 70 tons. How could it be moved and installed with such precision without modern technical means? Even today it is difficult to do so.

Moreover, these blocks were brought from afar, tens of kilometers away. How were they delivered? How were they installed?

This is an incredibly difficult engineering challenge! It is beyond our power even today, and even more so at that time! Therefore, scientists have assumptions about superhumans.

I think they just misunderstand it. In many countries we find such paradoxes that people of the past used a kind of electric batteries, they made correct calculations based on the stars in the sky, and they had a different approach to nature.

The modern approach is rigid, as if digital, computerized, and their approach was based on the use of the general force of nature. They knew how to use methods that we do not know about today.

Now, moving to integral humanity, becoming generalized and round, we will gradually acquire a mind that will be in similarity with nature.

When we, like all nature,  become tied together by mutual guarantee, by a common obligation, and people understand that they are one single whole, then we will have a new mind, new thoughts, new desires. In this case, we will be able to understand nature itself because we will be like it, we will be together with it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Mysterious Civilizations of the Past” 5/19/12

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