Why Did the Nazis Hate the Jews?

293Question: Why did the Nazis pursue a policy directed against Jews?

Answer: The fact is that after the Weimar National Assembly, which adopted a constitution that equalized the rights of all the peoples of Germany, in particular Jews with Germans, it suddenly became clear that Jews occupied high positions in industry, science, and culture for several decades. According to the studies of political scientists and psychologists, this caused great envy and increased anti-Semitism.

Before that, everything was relatively quiet, although everyday, anti-Semitism has always existed because it is in the blood of mankind. This is the realization by the peoples of the world that the Jews have something secret, and supposedly they rule the world, they know something, they hide something.

Indeed, these people have a method of correcting the world. And now, when he offers it to everyone, no one wants to hear about it, because it is an anti-egoistic technique. But the feeling that the Jews have something is true. This attitude has always been with them.

After all, the main thing is the struggle for whose God is either yours or mine; it cannot be both is what Christians believed.

The Jews did not have this at all. God is the general force of nature. He is one!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Why Did the Nazis Hate the Jews?”

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