Endless Dream

629.4Question: Can the 400 years that the Jewish people spent in exile be considered a period of a dream?

Answer: The period of a dream is generally called the entire period before our common redemption from egoism because a dream is a minimal influence of light from above, which holds us only in a physical form.

This is the state we are in now. Therefore, it is called a dream: the illumination of VAK, that is, a small illumination of light that is not even felt by us.

Where does life come from and why do electrons spin? Where does all the energy come from and how did our universe appear?

Does it all come from an infinitely powerful explosion point, which is just one point, and all matter, energy, and information developed from it?

We do not feel where it comes from. It goes away, diffuses into the next dimension and comes from there again, but we do not feel these transitions.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. A 400-year-long dream” 4/26/12

Related Material:
This Life Is A Dream
“Dream” in Spirituality
Dreams In Kabbalah

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