How to Level Relationships Between People

942Comment: The Kabbalistic group is constantly in a certain “brew.” Like it or not, you pay attention to what is happening to others, conduct an analysis, and make a conclusion for yourself. It is not for nothing that you see it.

My Response: Why do you need to know what is going on with them? You do not know yourself, you do not know them, and yet you want to conduct an analysis. This is an unreasonable approach. I have a crooked eye, a crooked level, and a crooked wall, and I want to do something even. How?!

Question: But then, how do we interact with these people?

Answer: In no way. You are given another way out. Attract an upper dimension upon yourself. It will change and align everything. You will not do it, but it will, and it will do it in you, as there is nothing outside of you.

Everything is in you! Do you want to have another world; do you want to see the relationship between people? Everything you want to see is done only by the change in yourself because everything exists in you and nowhere else.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. It Is Forbidden to Reveal the Soul” 3/31/12

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