The General Opinion–The Consequence of the Influence of the Upper Force

530Question: What does it mean to come to one opinion during a workshop?

Answer: One opinion means that it is common, not personally mine, not personally yours, not personally someone else’s, but our common opinion. It is not the sum of our personal opinions. The common opinion is a consequence of the influence of the upper force between us.

There is no yours, mine, his, and others’ opinions! There is no addition of them! There is just a willingness for the upper opinion to come and become ours. It should in no way relate to us because by being at a certain degree, we want the upper opinion of the next degree to come, and we raise ourselves up to it.

Comment: I’m trying to do it, but as a result I realize that I can’t.

My Response: No, this is wrong!

If you try to do it well, normally, slowly, and calmly, then you will be able to feel at least a small result of your effort. After all, you are waiting for the upper force that will lift you up and give you a completely different thought, and a different desire–not your own, not others, but its own.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Lithuanian Experiment” 3/13/12

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